You can see the amount you've paid in your transaction history on your Penfold dashboard.
Although we are working on making it available for you to download your contribution statements directly from your app soon, for now, please reach out to Penfold customer support via chat or email to have an official contribution statement on a Penfold letterhead generated for you. Please remember that if you have contributed into any other pension - separate to Penfold - you will also have to take add these contributions on if this is for your self-assessment tax return.
You will also need to declare how much tax relief you've received on top of these contributions. You can do this by:
Taking your total amount paid into your pension and multiplying it by 1.25
For example, if you paid in £600, multiply this by 1.25 = £750. That is how much you would need to declare in your tax return
Not to worry, though, your generated contribution statement will also present all of the tax relief Penfold has already added to your contributions as well.