The amendment report reflects any changes in employee contribution amounts or opt-out requests.
I've received an amendment report from Penfold. What is this?
If your employees have made any changes regarding your workplace pension scheme, our Workplace team sends you an amendment report outlining these.
These reports are issued to inform you of any adjustments your staff members have made: e.g. if they've requested to change their contribution percentage or decided to opt out of the scheme.
Generally, we'll send these reports weekly. However, if your employees have not made any changes, you won't receive one.
More details here π I received a file ββ Action Required: Company Name ββ What is this?
Customise your amendment report timing
We usually send amendment reports weekly, provided that your employees have made any changes. If you'd like to receive these updates more or less frequently, drop us an email at with your preferred delivery time or frequency. We'll then adjust the time to suit your schedule or payroll processing time.
More details here π Can I change when I receive my amendment file?
Manage amendment report recipients
Only email addresses you have authorised have access to the amendment reports. You can update who we send the report to at any time by emailing us at
More details here π Can I change who will receive amendment reports? Who can see my data?
According to the amendment report, an employee has chosen to opt out of the scheme. What are the next steps?
As their employer, you are required to refund the opted-out employee any contributions that have already been deducted. This must be done within one calendar month or during the next payroll cycle.
We will also process a refund of these contributions on our side and send the funds to you. We will do this within 90 days of the employee opting out.
More details here π When will the employer receive the opt-out refund amount?
We're prepared the following articles to help your employees with any amendment-related questions. Find them here π