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New employee enrolment
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Written by Elis
Updated over a year ago

When an employee is enrolled in Penfold, we need certain information to create an account for them and to send them information about their new pension pot.

What information do we need?

We need some basic information about the person to create an account.

Required details we need to enrol someone are shown in the table below:

Required Enrolment Field

Acceptable Column Names

Required Value

Example Value

EmployerId, ER ID, Scheme Number, SchemeNumber, AccountNumber, Account Number, SchemeID, Scheme ID, Scheme Code, SchemeCode, ERCode, ER Code

PENXXXXXXXX (where ‘X’ is a digit)


NationalInsuranceNumber, NINO, NI Number, NINumber, National Insurance, NationalInsurance, National Insurance, Nationalinsurance, NI NO, NI

Two prefix letters, six digits and one final letter. We accept spaces


Employment Start Date

EmploymentStartDate, EmploymentStart, Employment Start




Forename1, First Name, FirstName

Can only contains letters, spaces and hyphens. Must start with a letter, be under 36 characters and can’t contain digits.

Jane, John


Surname, Last Name, LastName, FamilyName, Family Name

Can only contain letters, spaces and hyphens. Must start with a letter, be under 36 characters and can’t contain digits.


Birth Date

BirthDate, Date of Birth, D-O-B, DOB



Email Address

EmailAddress, Email, E-mail, E-mail address

Valid email address containing "@" and "."


Address1 , Address Line 1, AddressLine1, PropertyNumber, Add1

Must be no more that 80 characters

51 Penfold Street, London


Postcode, PostalCode, Postal Code, Address5, Add5

Must be no more that 11 characters


Using PAPDIS csv files from your payroll software ensures the best new employee enrolment. You may be able to download the PAPDIS file directly from your payroll software. Most payroll software allow PAPDIS export.

PAPDIS enables you to upload enrolment and contribution information at the same time, having all the required fields in the file. To create new accounts with the PAPDIS file, please make sure that these fields are filled in correctly, and upload the file on the contributions side.

In case you’re not able to download the PAPDIS file, we provide a simple csv template for uploading this information into the Penfold Platform. (You can find the templates at the end of this article)

💡 Please make sure to upload the file in csv format. More on accepted formats here

Who should be enrolled in Penfold?

Employees can be enrolled in various ways, including:

  • Automatic Enrolment - this is when someone meets the earnings and age criteria to become an “Eligible Jobholder” and the employer has a duty to put them into the pension scheme. The employer can choose to postpone auto enrolment for up to 3 months if they wish.

  • Opting In - some jobholders have the right to Opt In to a scheme before they become Eligible or during a postponement period.

  • Asking to join - some workers don’t earn enough to be classed as a jobholder, so they can’t be auto enrolled and they don’t have Opt In rights. However, they can still ask to join the scheme if they wish, although the employer is not obliged to pay contributions for them.

  • Cyclical re-enrolment - every 3 years, employers have to re-enrol any jobholder who has Opted Out of the pension scheme.

  • Immediate re-enrolment - if an employer is moving to Penfold from another provider, any jobholders who were in the old scheme at the point it closed need to be immediately re-enrolled into the Penfold scheme.

  • Contractual / voluntary enrolment - an employer may arrange to put an employee into the pension scheme outside of automatic enrolment rules. This would require the employee’s consent, such as in their contract of employment or a separate consent form.

Some of these enrolment types come with a mandatory right to Opt Out of being enrolled in the scheme. Penfold also gives new members cancellation rights, which are broadly the same as Opt Out rights.

When should they be enrolled?

Usually, your payroll process will include an assessment of who needs to be enrolled and when, and you should only tell us about an employee at the point they are being enrolled.

Penfold does not need to know about employees who are not yet enrolled, whether that be because they are not eligible, have not Opted In / asked to join, or are in a postponement period.

If we don’t have enrolment information, we can’t create an employee's account and therefore we can’t process contribution information for them - this can lead to delays in processing contributions and potential late payments, so it’s good practice to ensure you are always uploading new enrolments in advance of (or, in the case of a PAPDIS upload, at the same time as) the first contributions due for the new enrollees.

💡 An employer is obliged to provide their pension provider with this information within 6 weeks from the date of the employee’s auto-enrolment date. A failure to do so may be a breach of your auto-enrolment obligations, and we may have to report this to The Pension’s Regulator.

What happens next?

Welcome email

When you enrol an employee into Penfold, we will send them a welcome email which includes statutory information about the scheme and their Opt Out rights. This is usually sent instantly, but it can take up to 2 business days if there are any issues with creating the new enrollee’s account.

Opt Out window

If they do want to Opt Out, the welcome email includes a link which facilitates this for them.

The Penfold Platform tells you whether any employees have Opted Out on the Employees tab, and we send notifications to ensure you know about any Opt Outs.

They have 1 month from the date they receive the welcome email in which to Opt Out. Any contributions paid before an employee Opts Out will be refunded.

Contributions expectations

Once someone is enrolled, Penfold will expect contributions for them in every subsequent pay period.

We may send reminders or late payment notices if contributions are not submitted for an individual who has been enrolled.

We’ll stop expecting contributions if the employee Opts Out or otherwise leaves the scheme (e.g. leaves employment, stops contributions, takes benefits or passes away).


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