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MoneySoft Quick Start Guide
Laura avatar
Written by Laura
Updated over 12 months ago

Setting up a Penfold Pension in MoneySoft

👉 Tip: You'll need the 'EmployerID,' a unique code assigned by Penfold to each employer. Typically, it starts with PEN followed by your Company Number. You can find it on the dashboard 👇

Setting up a Penfold Pension in MoneySoft - EmployerID

To set up a Penfold Pension in MoneySoft Payroll Manager, go to to the Pensions menu. You can create up to 5 pension schemes for the company - select a blank one or edit an existing one, if required.

Enter the following information:



Provider Type



A unique reference number. It's usually PEN followed by the Company Number. If you're unsure, check on the Penfold Dashboard.

Tax Relief*

Salary Sacrifice - Select if you're offering Salary Sacrifice with this scheme.

Basic relief at Source - Alternatively, select 'Basic relief at Source' and then 'Reduce by Basic Rate Tax option' to Yes.

Earnings basis

% apply to all pensionable earnings: Select for Basic or Total pay

% apply to banded qualifying earnings only: Select if you want to use the statutory minimum definition of pensionable earnings (all earnings between £6,240 and £50,270).

Default pension rates

You can adjust the company’s minimum contribution rates, if they are paying higher than the statutory minimum rates.

Everything else in this screen can be left blank. All done! ✅

* Note: Net Pay is not a suitable option to use with a Penfold Pension.

👉 Tip: If you have some employees on Relief at Source and some on Salary Sacrifice, you will need to create two pensions e.g. Penfold RAS and Penfold SS.

Enrolling employees in the Penfold Pension

Go to the Employees menu, select each relevant employee and follow these steps:

  • Go to the Auto Enrolment section

  • Select Penfold from the Auto Enrolment Pension dropdown

  • Set the Assessment and Enrolment Type (e.g. Eligible Jobholder / Auto Enrolled)

  • Set the Date Joined (or enter a date to Defer / Postpone to if required)

  • Click Set Contributions and click OK to set the contributions to the scheme defaults, or manually override if required. Click ok to Save ✅

👉 Tip: - if the employee is already in a different scheme, you will need to add a Leave Date for that scheme first and click OK (ensure the Date Joined field is blank), before you do the below steps.

How do I set MoneySoft up to produce the right data?

Great news - this is automatic. When you run payroll, MoneySoft will automatically produce a PAPDIS CSV file which can be easily dragged and dropped into the Penfold Platform to process both enrolments and contributions.

Sending Enrolments and Contributions to Penfold

Once you have finalised the pay run, you can go to the Pensions menu and select Generate Upload Files.

Select the Penfold Pension (if have a Relief at Source scheme and a Salary Sacrifice scheme there will be 2) to view a preview and download the file.

Save the file to a secure location and that’s it - it’s ready to be dragged and dropped into your Penfold Platform.

There is no separate Enrolment report, but if you want to enrol employees early, e.g. to ensure they get their Opt Out window before payroll is run (albeit you’d have to finalise and then reset), you can upload the PAPDIS CSV to the “Add Employees Only” window in the Penfold Platform. Alternatively, upload the file(s) to the Payroll Pension window and all outstanding enrolments and contributions will be processed in one go.

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